Tuesday, July 7, 2015

West Virginia Charleston Mission: Rain, Trees, and a Bunch of Other Stuff

Hello all!

I am officially in the West Virginia Charleston mission and could not be happier. It has been a wonderful experience being out in the mission field, and I am truly blessed each and every day. I have so much to share; however, time is limited, thus this email will not be as detailed as I would like it to be. 

To back track... my last few days at the MTC were crazy. After I sent my last email, the sisters had to move out of our residence into another one because a bat was found in our previous building. That was an adventure in and of itself. The rest of my time mostly consisted of teaching, practicing, studying, and bidding farewells to my district (with the occasional meal time in between). 

Traveling to West Virginia went pretty well. We arose at 3 a.m. and left for the airport. We got there and on our flight to Atlanta safe and sound. When we landed in Atlanta we discovered that our flight had been delayed and they were switching us to a different plane. Once we got on the plane, we were preparing for take off when an elderly gentleman passed out and became unresponsive for a few seconds. We waited for medical personal to arrive while another missionary and another passenger on the plane took care of him in the mean time. He was doing alright when he and his wife left the plane. 

We finally landed in West Virginia after a long day of traveling and had the opportunity to meet our mission president and his wife, President and Sister Salisbury. They are absolutely wonderful; I am very excited to work with them further. After a day and a half of training for the mission, I was sent out to meet my new companion Sister Moeai. 

It has now been a few days and we have been quite busy with lessons and service and all sorts of crazy things. West Virginia is absolutely beautiful with all of its trees and large amounts of rainfall we've received recently. The people here are wonderful, and I love that I am able to interact with them and bring them closer to Christ. 

I hope everything is going well for ya'll!


Sister Thyme Nash

Name Tags


Temple 8 The District

MTC Zone
Sister Moeai and Sister Nash

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